Meet The Team! Tammy - Partnerships Manager

What’s your role at Skinnydip?
Partnerships Manager, I run our licensing and brand partnerships.
Did you go to uni?
Where & what did you study?
International Hospitality Management at Oxford (Brookes 🤫).
How did you get to work at Skinnydip?
I came from a PR agency background working in luxury travel and then FMCGs, but I wanted to move away from PR and use my skills working with brands, relationship building and working on campaigns to move in house and focus on partnerships and collaborations.
What’s your favourite part of working at Skinnydip?
It’s a tough call between the amazing people, the office dogs and the occasional free tattoo in the Skinnydip Studio.
Describe a day in the life of a Partnerships Manager?
- Arrive at the office, usually 4-7 minutes late every day for literally no reason.
- Frothy coffee and breakfast.
- Check emails, cry.
- Try to get myself organised… My to do list is my bible.
- Get distracted.
- Cry.
Check in with the brands we work with. Most of the time I’ll jump on a Teams call, but sometimes we meet up IRL. We have around 50 partners across various areas with many more in the pipeline, so it’s important to make sure I’m in regular contact with them, maintaining relationships, discussing ongoing projects and new opportunities and generally making sure all campaigns are running smoothly.
Reach out to new brands and artists to work with. We’ve got so many incredible new collabs launching this year!
We have a massive wholesale side to the business so I work closely with this team, helping to secure any new licences that they require.
I’ll usually block out a chunk of time in the afternoon to go through all new contracts, making changes and negotiating deal terms.
Get roped into film a couple of TikToks.
After work I’ll either meet friends for a drink or head to the gym.
What are your current Skinnydip obsessions?
Definitely all the phone case collabs we do with artists. The designs are always beaut, plus it’s a really nice way to work with independent talent. Check out Poppy Crew, Printed Weird and Limpet but keep your eyes peeled as we have loads more launching soon!
What are your top tips for someone wanting to get into Partnerships?
I’m going to impart words of wisdom for careers in general that someone once told me… Do one thing a day that scares the sh*t out of you… Most of the time you’ll find it wasn’t that scary and eventually you’ll find those little challenges that bit easier. Jobs aren’t meant to be static, you’re meant to move around and learn so when you’re applying to new jobs, even if it’s something quite different, remember it’s just another challenge you’ll smash!